Friday, April 1, 2016

Insult Poem By: Maggie H

Your hair looks like throw up.
I wish you would just grow up.
Some people thing you're nice,
But really you're as cold as ice.

Image result for ice
You're eyebrows are never on fleek.
You smell like gross armpits, you reek.
You always think you're the best.
Honestly, you're about as useful as a pest.
Image result for a  pest

Hate Poem Haiku By: Maggie H

Hey guess what buddy.
Related imageEveryone says you smell great!
But really you stink.


  1. Your poem was amazing and hilarious
    I can tell you put effort in it don't be delirious
    Your insults came flying out like it was nothing
    I am totally serious, not bluffing

    I liked your wordplay it was catchy
    You made that person or thing sound tacky
    I hope you keep creating more poems
    Because they make me laugh and have a lot of emotion

  2. Your poem was fire
    Next time try more imagery
    But it was fabu
